2024-2025     PAC Executive Members

Chair - Nathalie Crane
Vice Chair - Daisy Melnyk
Treasurer - Kristina Janicki
Secretary - Allyson Hockin
DPAC Rep - Tai Weatherhead

PAC email: vms-pac@sd33.bc.ca

Our PAC meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of every month, in most cases, beginning at 7:00pm in the school library. 

As a school community we understand that a successful and vibrant School Parents' Advisory Council (PAC) receives input from as many parents as possible. Please consider attending a meeting and becoming involved. Remember, as a parent or guardian of a child attending Vedder Middle School, you are automatically a member of the PAC.


To contact a PAC Executive Member, please email vms-pac@sd33.bc.ca. Feel free to join us at our Facebook Page: Vedder Middle School PAC as well!

Please join us for our upcoming PAC meetings.  The meetings will be held in the Vedder Middle School Library at 7:00pm on the following dates:


  • 1st PAC Meeting - September 24th 

    Wednesday, Oct 16th, 2024

    Wednesday, Nov 20th, 2024

    Wednesday, Jan 15th, 2025

    Wednesday, Feb 19th, 2025

    Wednesday, April 16th, 2025

    Wednesday, May 21st, 2025 - AGM


Vedder Middle School PAC Meeting Minutes:


Please click here to view Vedder Middle School PAC TReports

Please click here to view the Constitution & Bylaws VMS 2024

Please click here for monthly minutes from the Chilliwack DPAC